Working with Suicidality in the Helping Profession
This 3 hour workshop is aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of practitioners in the helping professions when working with suicide. Develop your existing skills to help work ethically and competently with suicidality; understand the current impact of suicide in the UK, risk assessment, signs and signposts, current suicide prevention interventions, as well as ethical and legal considerations. Working with suicidality can invoke anxiety for the practitioner; we aim to debunk some of the worries and fears around this work, leaving you feeling more knowledgeable and better equipped to work with clients expressing suicidality. The workshop will include group discussions and exercises to enhance working practises as well as considering your own self-care and wellbeing as a practitioner. Note: This workshop provides an overview of key topics related to suicide awareness and intervention. Mental health professionals are encouraged to pursue additional training and ongoing professional development in this area.
How many training courses and workshops have you signed up to so far in your career? How many online trainings have you bought (but are yet to complete)? How much further education have you invested in? And do you feel ready, able and willing to apply what you know?
Or, do you - like most of us - suffer from a mix of 'shiny new syndrome' and not feeling good enough, so you keep investing more money in more training, though you're not seeing the return investment in your practice?
In this 4.5-hour, online workshop*, we'll dig deep into the insecurities that hold us practitioners back and learn how to apply our existing knowledge. We'll examine what our drive for more learning is and evolve from a place of not feeling good enough to a place of passion for learning.
We'll be looking at common fears and obstacles standing in the way of practitioners applying themselves, as well as the powerful but hindering force of perfectionism and that pesky imposter phenomenon. We'll then shift our focus to building confidence in your existing skills set, experience and knowledge and help you feel empowered in doing over thinking and applying over studying more. So, that next time you sign up for training, it's because you feel inspired by a thirst for knowledge instead.
This workshop is free for graduates of either of our skills courses (Coaching Skills for Counsellors and Counselling Skills for Coaches) or £199 for everyone else.
*Yes, we're fully aware of the irony of signing up for training to learn how not to sing up for more unnecessary training!
Failing Brilliantly(TM)
How many courses have you been on or signed up to that have told you how to do something right, how to become better, how to improve or even how to become an expert within your field? How often have you heard of the importance of niching to stand out?
There's a lot of noise out there, telling you how to be, and besides the fact it's somewhat exhausting to constantly be told how to be better at your job (especially with all the contradicting advice out there), it's also disheartening at times because the more we're told 'how to' do something, the less space there is for you to think for yourself and figure out what works for you.
Wanting to serve our clients well and be the best version of ourselves for their benefit, as well as constantly learning and up-skilling is a noble quest and can feel fantastic but it can also become a fear-based response to all the advice out there on how to do things right.
Remember all the triads you've been part of and how you tried to remember everything you were meant to do, while also applying that day's teachings and framework, struggling to focus because you were already worried about the post-session feedback and that the teacher or facilitator would pop in and see you make a mess of it?
Did that ever make you feel that you were memorising a model out of fear of getting it wrong, rather than out of love for the model?
So, why not try and do things wrong? Why not practice making a complete mess of it? Why not do everything you've been told not to do? And have a laugh while we're at it? Why not make an effort to fail - brilliantly!
Join this 1-hour workshop and feel supported and seen in all your worries, as well as giggling away while making an effort to fail really badly at your job, all within the confines of a safe and loving space.
Pass the Parcel: What is Emotional Pollution?
Whether you work in a corporate setting, within group therapy, with teams, run a counselling charity, teach on a course or want to become more aware of your own family dynamic, the nature of bullying, your individual client's impact on your mood or how you impact your surroundings this is a workshop for you!
You know the fun party game of passing the parcel and each person gets to unwrap a layer until it reaches the lucky one who takes off the final piece of paper and is rewarded with a gift? Well, every single day we unwittingly, often unwillingly, take part in this game whenever we interact with other humans, be that at work, at home or in the supermarket, at the school gates or on the parking lot. Except, from time to time, we're not rewarded with a gift but rather with an unpleasantly smelling t*rd as one person pass on their stress, anger or otherwise unresolved issue to someone else and if not careful, we can end up taking their contagious emotional pollution with us, passing it on to the next, like a nasty cold.
In this workshop we'll explore what emotional pollution is, how it comes about, why and how it's passed on and how to take responsibility for our own emotional pollution as well as how to build a stronger 'immune system' against it.